Research Fisheries Biologist

Downtown Seattle, viewed from the Seattle-Bainbridge Ferry, WA.
Downtown Seattle, viewed from the Seattle-Bainbridge Ferry, WA.

NOAA Fisheries’ Alaska Fisheries Science Center, Resource Assessment and Conservation Engineering Division, Groundfish Assessment Program.

2020 - Present. Seattle, WA.

  • Assist in planning of and participate aboard the Eastern Bering Sea Shelf Bottom Trawl Survey, Eastern Bering Sea Slope, and Arctic Bottom Trawl Surveys.
  • Assist in data collection and pre- and post-cruise data management for surveys and field research activities.
  • Advance species distribution modeling research using model-based estimates of abundance and biomass using VAST, Generalized Additive Mixed Models (GAMMs), and other techniques.
  • Aid in the development of R products that advance GAP surveys, modeling activities, and automation of reports and data products.
  • Assist with the production of educational and informational outreach materials for engaging Alaska native communities about the Bering Sea surveys.

Environmental Policy Analyst

The NOAA hand outside of Building 3, Silver Spring, MD.
The NOAA hand outside of Building 3, Silver Spring, MD.

NOAA Fisheries’ Office of Science and Technology, Division of Economics and Social Analysis, Contractor through ECS Federal.

2019 - 2020. Silver Spring, MD.

  • Manage the production and publishing of the annual Fisheries Economics of the US Report (FEUS).
  • Redevelop a commercial, recreation, and aquaculture national I/O model impact calculator model as an RShiny application to assist fisheries scientists and managers assess the impacts of changing fisheries.
  • Develop the national fisheries economic productivity Tornqvist index output and organizing two fisheries economic productivity workshops for NOAA scientists.

2018 Knauss Marine Policy Fellow

The announcement flyer for the 2018 Knauss Cohort.
The announcement flyer for the 2018 Knauss Cohort.

NOAA Fisheries’ Office of Science and Technology, Assessment and Monitoring Division, Protected Species Science Branch, Fellow through New York Sea Grant.

2018 - 2019. Silver Spring, MD.

  • Lead Coordinator, Protected Species Assessment Workshop II (PSAW II/#PSAW2019). 150+ person event, La Jolla, CA February 2019.
  • Lead Coordinator, National Protected Species Toolbox Initiative (NPST). Managing 7 individual projects from fisheries science centers around the country.
  • Co-Lead Coordinator, 2018 Protected Species Toolbox Mini-Symposium II. Program Manager, Sea Turtle Assessment Internal Funding Allocation.
  • Lead Coordinator, Sea Turtle Research Standard Methods. Technical Support, Sea Turtle & Marine Mammal Protected Species Climate Vulnerability Assessment.
  • Prepared sensitivity attributes guidelines, webinar presentations, and population literature reviews.
  • Editor, Science Connect Newsletter (via Constant Contact and GovDelivery)
  • RShiny App Developer, NMFS’ Technical Guidance for Assessing the Effects of Anthropogenic Sound on Marine Mammal Hearing. App provides a calculator function and report for permit applications. Prepared working group/program terms of references, webpages, internal proposals, and final reports.

Accelerated Master’s of Science in Marine Science

Presenting my Master’s Thesis to my committee and peers.
Presenting my Master’s Thesis to my committee and peers.

Dr. Janet Nye, Quantitative Fisheries Ecology Laboratory.

2015 - 2018. Stony Brook University, NY.

  • Thesis: “Distribution Shifts Associated with Changing Environmental Parameters in Two Demersal Species: Summer Flounder (Paralichthys dentatus) & Black Sea Bass (Centropristis striata) on the NE US shelf.”
  • Developed environmental preference and habitat suitability models from the NOAA NEFSC survey dataset and Regional Oceanographic Modeling System (ROMS) output in MATLAB and R.

Bachelor of Science in Marine Science, Cum Laude

Class in session on the deck of the R/V Seawolf.
Class in session on the deck of the R/V Seawolf.

Minors in Geospatial Information Sciences, Coastal Environmental Studies, and Theater Arts.

2011 - 2015. Stony Brook University, NY.

  • Crew member aboard the university resaerch vessel, the R/V Seawolf
  • Dr. Joseph Warren, Acoustic Laboratory for Ecological Studies
  • Dr. Bradley Peterson, Marine Community Ecology Laboratory, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Stony Brook, NY
  • Dr. Steve Wing, University of Otago, Portobello Marine Laboratory, New Zealand
  • Dr. Nathan Brennan, Mote Marine Laboratory Marine Aquaculture Park, Sarasota, FL
  • Dr. Janet Nye, Quantitative Fisheries Ecology Laboratory, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Stony Brook, NY


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