Markowitz, EH, et al. In prep. Results of the 2024 Eastern Bering Sea Continental Shelf Bottom Trawl Survey of Groundfish and Invertebrate Fauna. DOC NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-AFSC
Stewart Lowndes, J, AM Holder, EH Markowitz, C Clatterbuck, AL Bradford, K Doering, MH Stevens, S Butland, D Burke, S Kross, JW Hollister, C Stawitz, MC Siple, A Rios, JN Welch, B Li, F Nojavan, A Davis, E Steiner, JM London, I Fenwick, A Hunzinger, J Verstaen, EE Holmes, M Virdi, AP Barrett, E Robinson. 2024. Shifting institutional culture to develop climate solutions with Open Science. Ecology and Evolution 14(6):e11341 DOI.
Rose, K, KK Holsman, JA Nye, EH Markowitz, TNS Banha, N Bednaršek, J Bueno-Pardo, D Deslauriers, EA Fulton, KB Huebert, M Huret, S-I Ito, S Koenigstein, L Li, H Moustahfid, BA Muhling, P Neubauer, JR Paula, EC Siddon, MD Skogen, PD Spencer, PD van Denderen, GI van der Meeren, MA Peck. 2024. Advancing bioenergetics-based modeling will improve climate change projections for marine ecosystems. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 732: 193–221 DOI.
Markowitz, EH, EJ Dawson, CB Anderson, SK Rohan, NE Charriere, BK Prohaska, DE Stevenson. 2024. Results of the 2023 Eastern and Northern Bering Sea Continental Shelf Bottom Trawl Survey of Groundfish and Invertebrate Fauna. DOC NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-AFSC; 487 DOI.
ICES. 2023. Workshop on Unavoidable Survey Effort Reduction 2 (WKUSER2). ICES Scientific Reports Link.
Markowitz, EH, EJ Dawson, CB Anderson, SK Rohan, NE Charriere, BK Prohaska, DE Stevenson. 2023. Results of the 2022 Eastern and Northern Bering Sea Continental Shelf Bottom Trawl Survey of Groundfish and Invertebrate Fauna. DOC NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-AFSC-469, 213 p. DOI.
NMFS. Eds. Richardson, A, et al. 2023. Fisheries Economics of the United States, 2020. DOC NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-F/SPO-236, 231 p. Link.
EH Markowitz, EH, L Dawson, Anderson CB, S Rohan, N Charriere, and Stevenson, DE,. 2023. 2023 Northern Bering Sea Groundfish and Crab Trawl Survey Community Highlights. Outreach material Link.
Shotwell, SK, M Bryan, DH Hanselman, EH Markowitz, E Siddon, I Spies, and J Sullivan. 2022. North Pacific Fishery Management Council: Chapter 6. Assessment of the arrowtooth flounder stock in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands. NPFMC Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands SAFE Link.
Spies, I, L Barnett, R Haehn, J Ianelli, EH Markowitz, Z Oyafuso, E Siddon, and C Yeung. 2022. North Pacific Fishery Management Council: Assessment of the Yellowfin Sole Stock in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands. NPFMC Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands SAFE Link.
Shotwell, SK, J Sullivan, K Echave, EH Markowitz, I Ortiz, E Siddon, P Spencer, and I Spies. 2022. North Pacific Fishery Management Council: Chapter 15: Assessment of the shortraker rockfish stock in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands. NPFMC Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands SAFE Link.
NMFS. 2022. SocioEconomic Aspects in Stock Assessments Workshop (SEASAW) Report. DOC NOAA Tech. Memo. U.S. DOC, NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-F/SPO-232, 96 p. Link.
EH Markowitz, EH, L Dawson, N Charriere, J Richar, S Rohan, B Prohaska, and Stevenson, DE,. 2022. 2022 Northern Bering Sea Groundfish and Crab Trawl Survey Community Highlights. Outreach material Link.
Markowitz, EH, EJ Dawson, CB Anderson, SK Rohan, NE Charriere, BK Prohaska, DE Stevenson. 2022. Results of the 2021 Eastern and Northern Bering Sea Continental Shelf Bottom Trawl Survey of Groundfish and Invertebrate Fauna. DOC NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-AFSC-452, 227 p. DOI.
Markowitz, EH, EJ Dawson, NE Charriere, BK Prohaska, SK Rohan, DE Stevenson, and LL Britt. 2022. Results of the 2019 Eastern and Northern Bering Sea Continental Shelf Bottom Trawl Survey of Groundfish and Invertebrate Fauna. DOC NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-AFSC-451, 225 p. DOI.
Markowitz, EH, EJ Dawson, NE Charriere, BK Prohaska, SK Rohan, RA Haehn, DE Stevenson, and LL Britt. 2022. Results of the 2018 Eastern Bering Sea Continental Shelf Bottom Trawl Survey of Groundfish and Invertebrate Fauna. DOC NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-AFSC-450, 183 p. DOI.
NMFS. Eds. Richardson, A, and EH Markowitz. 2022. Fisheries Economics of the United States, 2019. DOC NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-F/SPO-229, 236 p. Link.
Spies, I, R Haehn, E Siddon, J Conner, EH Markowitz, C Yeung, and J Ianelli. 2021. North Pacific Fishery Management Council: Assessment of the Yellowfin Sole Stock in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands. NPFMC Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands SAFE Link.
Wang, SL, Walden J, and EH Markowitz. 2021. Measuring Output, Inputs, and Total Factor Productivity for the U.S. Fishery: A Proposal. NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-F/SPO-217, 14 p. Link.
NMFS. Eds. Markowitz, EH, and A Richardson. 2021. Fisheries Economics of the United States, 2017. DOC NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-F/SPO-219, 259 p. Link.
Britt, LL, EH Markowitz, L Dawson, N Charriere, J Richar, S Rohan, B Prohaska, R Haehn, and DE Stevenson. 2021. 2021 Northern Bering Sea Groundfish and Crab Trawl Survey Highlights. Outreach material Link.
NMFS. Eds. Richardson, A, and EH Markowitz. 2021. Fisheries Economics of the United States, 2018. DOC NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-F/SPO-225, 246 p. Link.
NMFS. Ed. Markowitz, EH. 2019. Fisheries Economics of the United States, 2016 Addendum. DOC NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-F/SPO-187a, 243 p. Link.
Srinivasan, M, SK Brown, EH Markowitz, M Soldevilla, E Patterson, K Forney, K Murray, E Ward, JM Ver Hoef, J Redfern, and T Eguchi (eds.). 2019. Proceedings of the 2nd National Protected Species Assessment Workshop. NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-F/SPO-198, 46 p. Memo. Link.
NMFS. Ed. EH Markowitz. 2018. Fisheries Economics of the United States, 2016. U.S. DOC, NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-F/SPO-187a, 243 p. Link.
EH Markowitz. 2024. Advancing agency research and building accessibility through open science practices: NOAA Fisheries Alaska Bottom Trawl Survey public data products.
Foley, C, EH Markowitz, LAK Barnett, CA O’Leary, L Brooks, J Blaylock, J Galbraith, K Kotwicki. 2024. Scientific fisheries-independent survey data are for us to inherit: A call to action.
O’Leary, CA, LAK Barnett, SN Wassermann, EH Markowitz, Z Oyafuso, M Siple, JT Thorson, E Ward, SC Anderson, C Cunningham, J Conner. 2024. Modernizing analysis of fishery-independent survey data.
Dawson, E, EH Markowitz, C Anderson, DE Stevenson. 2024. Communicating Survey Progress and Results to Bering Sea Communities.
Markowitz, EH, MC Siple, S Kotwicki, JT Thorson, LAK Barnett, CW Berg. 2024. {sdmgamindex} GAM for Abundance Index Standardization of Alaska Bottom Trawl Survey Data.
Buser, T, Stevenson, DE, Markowitz, EH, SK, Rohan, S Wassermann, N, Charrier, and CB Anderson. 2024. 2024 Eastern “Southern” Bering Sea Trawl Survey: Results!.
Stevenson, DE, Markowitz, EH, SK, Rohan, S Wassermann, N, Charrier, and CB Anderson. 2024. Results of the 2024 Eastern Bering Sea Continental Shelf Bottom Trawl Survey of Groundfish and Invertebrate Fauna.
North Pacific Fishery Management Council
Markowitz, EH, S Rohan, D Stevenson, and E Laman. 2024. Advancing agency research and building accessibility through open science practices: NOAA Fisheries Alaska Bottom Trawl Survey public data products.
2024 NOAA Environmental Data Management Workshop
EH Markowitz. 2023. Data Strategies for Future Us: Data to Product Workflows.
Stevenson, DE, Markowitz, EH, EJ Dawson, and CB Anderson. 2023. Results of the 2023 Eastern and Northern Bering Sea Continental Shelf Bottom Trawl Survey of Groundfish and Invertebrate Fauna.
North Pacific Fishery Management Council
Markowitz, EH, S Rohan, D Stevenson, and E Laman. 2023. Advancing agency research and building accessibility through open science practices: NOAA Fisheries Alaska Bottom Trawl Survey public data products.
2023 PICES Annual Meeting
Links: Workshop Presentation 10: Towards climate-informed ecosystem-based fisheries management by building international collaborations and standardizing indicators, Poster
Markowitz, EH, S Rohan, D Stevenson, and E Laman. 2023. Advancing agency research and building accessibility through open science practices: NOAA Fisheries Alaska Bottom Trawl Survey public data products.
2023 Western Groundfish Conference
Links: Poster
EH Markowitz et al. 2023. NMFS R UG Lightning Talks: Open science in R.
EH Markowitz, EH, L Dawson, Anderson CB, S Rohan, N Charriere, and Stevenson, DE,. 2023. 2023 Northern Bering Sea Groundfish and Crab Trawl Survey Community Highlights.
University of Alaska Fairbanks Strait Science Seminar.
Stevenson, DE, EH Markowitz, L Dawson, N Charriere, J Richar, S Rohan, and B Prohaska. 2022. 2022 Northern Bering Sea Groundfish and Crab Trawl Survey Community Highlights.
University of Alaska Fairbanks Strait Science Seminar.
Links: Video
Stevenson, DE, Markowitz, EH, EJ Dawson, NE Charriere, BK Prohaska, and SK Rohan. 2022. Results of the 2022 Eastern and Northern Bering Sea Continental Shelf Bottom Trawl Survey of Groundfish and Invertebrate Fauna.
North Pacific Fishery Management Council
Markowitz, EH, M Siple, S Kotwicki, J Thorson, LAK Barnett, and C Berg. 2022. GAM for Abundance Index Standardization of Alaska Bottom Trawl Survey Data.
Holmes, E, EH Markowitz et al. 2022. NMFS R UG Lightning Talks: Creating reproducible and robust fisheries science workflows using R and GitHub.
NOAA Library Seminar Series
Links: Recording
Markowitz, EH. 2022. What does a Fisheries Researcher Do?.
NOAA Live! Alaska Seminar Series
Links: Recording, NOAA Live! Alaska
Stevenson, DE, Markowitz, EH, EJ Dawson, NE Charriere, BK Prohaska, and SK Rohan. 2021. Results of the 2021 Eastern and Northern Bering Sea Continental Shelf Bottom Trawl Survey of Groundfish and Invertebrate Fauna.
North Pacific Fishery Management Council
Britt, LL, EH Markowitz, L Dawson, N Charriere, J Richar, S Rohan, B Prohaska, R Haehn, and DE Stevenson. 2021. 2021 Northern Bering Sea Groundfish and Crab Trawl Survey Highlights.
University of Alaska Fairbanks Strait Science Seminar.
Links: Presentation
Markowitz, EH. 2021. Data to Product Workflows.
Markowitz, EH. 2021. Reproducible Reports in R Markdown - Perspectives and {NMFSReports}.
Davis, C, EH Markowitz, and D Dishman. 2021. Different Strategies for Teaching Your Colleagues R: Lessons Learned and Recommendations.
R Cascadia Conf., June 2021. Remote.
Links: Recording
Markowitz, EH. 2020. Reproducible National-level Reports: Using Rmarkdown to Recode the Fisheries Economics of the United States Report.
Women in Statistics and Data Science Conf., September 2020. Remote.
American Fisheries Society, September 2020. Remote. (5 minute speed talk)
SatRDay Conference, March 2020. Washington, D.C.
Links: Recording
Markowitz, EH and S Steinback. 2020. Commercial and Recreational Fisheries Economic Impact Input/Output Model: Tool Update and Increasing Accessibility for Managers and Scientists.
Markowitz, EH and SL Wang. 2020. Measuring Output for U.S. Commercial Fisheries - From Theory to Practice.
Markowitz, EH. 2019. Science News Fatigue Battlefront. How do we do better? An observation-based discussion piece.
Markowitz, EH, AR Scholik-Schlomer, M Srinivasan, and J Gedamke. 2018. Assessing the Impact of Underwater Sound on Marine Mammal Hearing in R Shiny: Increasing Accessibility of Tools for Managers and Stakeholders.
Markowitz, EH, M Frisk, S Sagarese, and JA Nye. 2018. Modeling Environmentally Driven Distribution Shifts in Regional Ocean Model Systems for the Demersal, Migratory, Commercially Important Summer Flounder.